Part II: The glass isn’t half-empty or half-full. It's just complex or simple
In the previous article, I presented the problem of gut instincts and personal preferences in decision-making and argued that we need a...
The glass isn’t half-empty or half-full. It's just complex or simple
Using gut instincts Are you a glass half-empty or half-full kind of person? The question paints optimism and pessimism as a personality...
Ways to be Rationally Complex
Predictability in nature allows complex solutions Surprisingly large parts of our world are simple in the sense that nature’s...
A digital 'New Wild'
The scientific imagination is now profoundly digital in a way that owes much to Turing, Von Nuemann and the first days of scientific...
How 'complexity' impacts science and art, Science has no borders: Unwrapped! [Event]
We were recently presenting at a Science Has no Borders: Unwrapped! (ShnB) interactive event at UCL that was really exciting to be a part of
Novelty all over again
What is novelty? Is there really such a thing as 'novelty' in reality, or does it all depend on your perspective and existing knowledge?...
Complexity 101
By the end of this article, I promise you will understand what scientists usually mean when they talk about ‘complexity’ which is also...
The commonsense of the near future
It is a truism that most of us carry out our everyday commonsense tasks with very little conscious effort or analysis. Indeed to find...
Two cultures and the consumers of complexity
Are we still two cultures? In 1959, the scientist and author CP Snow gave a lecture entitled ‘Two Cultures’. CP Snow’s speech was about...